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Backyard Breeders!

February 10, 2021

Now that’s a phrase that can send a passionate pet lover into a full-blown meltdown. Before I tell you why I think the backyard breeder can help save our pets from unnecessary illness, pain, and birth defects, let me explain the difference between backyard breeders and puppy mills.

Puppy mills are FILLED with dogs, hundreds sometimes, that are bred over and over to produce the highest number of puppies.

Backyard breeders may only have one or two females and sometimes one male. They usually breed their female 1 to 3 times.

Puppy mills should be closed down permanently and anyone running them should be ……. (sorry I can’t write what I am thinking and I can’t think of anything nice so I’ll just leave it up to your imagination)
BUT backyard breeders, on the other hand, should be taken off Santa’s naughty list.
And brought up to a standard that is respected in the community.

Let me explain.

Our pets face so many health issues and if we can do something to help prevent this, shouldn’t we do it no matter what it takes?

Our pounds and rescue organizations are overcrowded and if we can do something to prevent this, shouldn’t we do it, no matter what it takes?

Animals are put to sleep needlessly every day and if we can do something to prevent this, shouldn’t we do it, no matter what it takes?

Thousands of stray animals are living on the streets, spreading disease and continuing to add to the homeless population, And if we can do …….. you get it.

So here is my proposal. I think all backyard breeders should get a 2-year certificate. This certificate would teach them about genetics, nutrition, the effects of overpopulation, how to test for genetic conditions in certain breeds. What breeds are most prone to certain conditions. Then anyone caught breeding without this certificate would get a HUGE fine, Huge, enough to make them stop or get certified.

Giving backyard breeders a better understanding of what healthy is and making their profession more respectable can have a huge impact on our pet populations and our pet’s health.

Now, I know this is a Pipe dream but I own a dog that came from a backyard breeder. I wish this breeder would have had a 2-year certificate, perhaps she would have known one of her dogs was carrying a gene that caused my dog to be born with a condition called ichthyosis. This condition can cause, my ball loving, ball chasing, get anything in your mouth that a human can throw, golden retriever to spend her life plagued with scaly skin, and the possibility of going blind.

I just thank God someone made a ball that makes noise when you throw it.