Our Blog

Welcome to The Spaw’s Blog, your go-to destination for all things related to ensuring the well-being and happiness of your pets! Our educational blog is a treasure trove of valuable insights, expert advice, and practical tips to help you raise and maintain healthy, happy pets.

Do Medicated Baths Really Work?

By Carrie Hyde, The Spaw Pet Life Coach | March 29, 2022 Approach the average vet with a pet suffering from dry skin, skin allergies, fungal infection, or fleas, and you’ll often get the same answer: Your pet needs a medicated shampoo. Medicated shampoos certainly have their place in the world of pet healthcare–just ask...


By Carrie Hyde, The Spaw Pet Life Coach | January 12, 2022 Tear stains are an unsightly problem that affects many dogs. Unfortunately, this issue isn’t just a cosmetic one. Dog tear stains are often a symptom of a larger problem and a significant warning sign owners need to pay attention to. If your dog...

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By Carrie Hyde, The Spaw Pet Life Coach | December 18, 2021 The shocking truth is that the vast majority of pet foods use incredibly low-quality meat sources in their recipes. In fact, much of the meat in pet food is only considered meat by the broadest definitions available. This “meat” isn’t something you’d ever...

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By Carrie Hyde, The Spaw Pet Life Coach | November 10, 2021 The number of Americans following a vegetarian or vegan diet has risen sharply in the past decade. This trend comes as more and more consumers become aware of the vast impacts their diet has on not only their own health but that of...

Kennel Dogs

By Carrie Hyde | November 6, 2021 As much as you may want to, you can’t take your dog everywhere with you. Whether you’re traveling for work, pleasure, or something in between, there will be times when you’ll have to leave your dog behind. When those occasions arise, you have a few choices of what...